Friday, February 26, 2010

Counting Down the Days....


9 days left . I think that if I don't count down that i'll end up missing a day and by missing a day i'll end up wasting the day, which I don't want to do.
My time here in Canada has just been purely awesome! I was death scared of dogs before I came and now I pat and love dogs (though i still wouldn't have my own) Haha. I didn't have school today mainly because its Extended Essay day, which is a day where the entire grade works on extended essay. I stayed home to catch up on work from home. Catching up was actually my biggest fear when I came back because I can be one of the laziest people but that's hardly a fear anymore. I came here with so many fears and i'm leaving knowing that I have overcome a lot of the fears and challenges that I put in front of me. I remember the days before I came to Canada, I sat in my room thinking "What if no one likes me ? What if I get lost ? What if I haven't packed enough clothing? What if I get so far behind that I can't catch up and then end up failing Level 3? What if I am not a good head girl?" I came here on January 2nd with all those thoughts clouding my head and now I leave in 9 days hyped and ready for the rest of the year. I'm going to miss the snow and the people here , ESPECIALLY my exchange host Cara Neel. 9 days and counting. I hope they are the longest and slowest days of my life because I don't want them to end. Not now, not in 9 days or ever.
Today's blog is just me blabbering about my thoughts and how awesome it has been here. Kind of tearing up thinking about leaving but I'm excited about going to Texas and being somewhere warmer and seeing another part of the world. Beautiful .

Well, I will keep in contact about everything else that happens.

I'm really going to miss this place.

Lots of love
Christine Savele

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